Competitive Program
Take your dance training to the next level with our Competitive Dance Program. Fully certified instructors with decades of experience behind them. Focussing on your growth not only on the dance floor but also in mental training skills and team building. Commitment level is high but there is still individual choice within the programming options.
6-18 years of age. Placement by Audition.
September - June commitment (attendance expected and monitored)
4 required Studio Competitions
Required Classes: Ballet, X-Training, Any genre in which you have extra work (solos/duets/groups), Musical Theatre students must be in a Jazz class.
Components of our Competitive Program
Mindfulness Training is an important part of our competitive program. It is built into our daily/weekly programming. There may also be opportunities for additional workshops and guest instructors.
Core Classes
Core Classes include both technique and choreography.
All core classes will have a competitive dance entered into competitions. Marked ‘C’ on the schedule .
T+ 'Top Up Technique'
Training classes to enhance technical development. These classes are encouraged for all competitive dancers and required for dancers hoping to pursue examinations. Marked ‘T+’ on the schedule.
Development Classes
Development classes are enrichment opportunities that strengthen dancers training but do not include choreography within the class such as PBT, Acro, Jumps and Turns, X-Training, Godfrey Method etc.
Exams offered in RAD (Royal Academy of Dance) Ballet, ADAPT (Associated Dance Arts for Professional Teaching) Jazz and Tap and Acrobatic Arts.
Exams are strongly encouraged but optional.
Dancers will compete in 4 competitions each season 2-3 local and 1-2 travelling.
Conventions, Solo competitions and community events such as the Nutcracker will be supported and facilitated where possible.
Extra Work
Additional dances from those in your regular class programming. Solos, duos, trios & small groups can be applied for by completing our application form by the determined deadlines. Other groups are offered by invitation from the teaching faculty
ITX - Intensive Training Experience
This Program is for dancers who are prioritizing their dance training and looking for enhanced opportunities in additional areas of training. Acceptance is by application, audition and interview.